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Ultralign Spine Technology in Matthews, NC

Dr. Mike Schmitt, DC · 3,000+ referrals from local medical physicians since 1997

Providing advanced Ultralign Spine Technology! Performed on 1.7 million patients per month by Medical Doctors, Osteopathic Doctors and Chiropractors in over 30 countries around the world. This advanced technology has been established by Sigma Instruments – the inventors and manufactures of Proadjustor, S.M.A.R.T Adjustor, Sigma Ultralign, Spine Align, Spine – Align Therapy System, and Spineliner. It may be safe for all ages including children and adults.


Matthews, NC Chiropractor, Dr. Mike Schmitt Provides Fast, Safe Pain Relief Using the Amazing Advancement in Spinal Care—Ultralign Spine Technology


Ultralign Spine Technology in Matthews, NC: In efforts to significantly improve spinal care, provide greater accuracy, SAFETY, effectiveness and comfort….physicians and engineers collaborated to develop the Ultralign Spinal Care Technology.  Advances in the ability to digitally assess patterns and degrees of movement were originally developed by NASA and used in the aerospace industry to monitor the movement of ceramic heat shields on space shuttles as well as the integrity of the hulls of airplanes.


Using sophisticated and highly accurate sensors that register types and amounts of movement, a small pressure could be applied that would then indicate the nature and amount of movement present.  This fundamental concept was then applied and enhanced to diagnose and treat human function!  The Ultralign Spinal Care Technology incorporates this technology using computerized instrumentation that isolates normal versus abnormal movement in the spine.  Doctors then use that information to determine where to treat and, using the same instrumentation, very gently and accurately correct the function and integrity of spinal movement…..all in a thoroughly comfortable seated position!


Experience this amazing advancement in spinal care….The Ultralign Spinal Care Technology.  Dr. Schmitt was the first in North Carolina using this technology in 2005.  The Ultralign Spine Technology was the fastest instrument used by chiropractors ever approved by Medicare due to the scientific basis of the technology.  This is APPLIED math and physics set into motion.


Are you looking for a chiropractor that’s received literally over 3,000 referrals from the local Charlotte, NC region’s medical community since 1997?  Look no further.  Call Dr. Schmitt for an appointment today.  704-463-8180.


How Ultralign Spinal Technology Works


Spinal dysfunction in the spine can cause back pain, headaches, loss of range of motion, and pain and tingling in the extremities. Chiropractic adjustments can correct these imbalances in the nervous system and help the spine remain in its proper alignment.


Other methods and systems typically rely on the chiropractor’s skills to determine which vertebrae are out of place and then applying various forces to push those vertebrae back into alignment. The Ultralign Adjusting Instruments can detect and correct the spinal dysfunction with as little as 10lbs of force and with accuracy.


The unique Ultralign system helps by providing objective information on the location of nerve interference for the benefit of the doctor and patient. Once the misaligned vertebrae are located, the device can be set to deliver a slightly more forceful vibrating pulse to treat the vertebrae. The examination and treatment takes place in a seated posture.  This allows patients that have mobility issues to get checked and corrected for spinal dysfunction.


The technology provides an assessment of each vertebrae.  The doctor has been specially trained to read these movement charts.  Green and red bars denote lack of movement and the horizontal red line denotes frequency.  The software program then plots this information into waveforms.  Using the technology the doctor can also test and post check the results of the spinal treatment.  The goal of repeated treatments is to see each vertebrae moving together in the same pattern (frequency).


The entire session does not involve any twisting, pushing or pulling of the extremities or spine. Many patients find it remarkably effective in alleviating back pain and headaches and promoting movement of the spine.




Never expect one spinal treatment fix.  Several follow-ups are required for this treatment to have an effect on your complaint area. This treatment does not take more then 5 minutes to test the entire spine and treat the areas of spinal dysfunction. This treatment will not reverse a lifetime of damage to your spine, however it may offer pain relief and better function.

Office Hours

Mon: 7:00am - 6:00pm

Tues: 7:00am - 6:00pm

Wed: 7:00am - 6:00pm

Thurs: 7:00am - 6:00pm

Fri: 7:00am - 6:00pm

Sat: By Appointment

Sun: Closed

Office Location

7928 Council Place #116-B

Matthews, NC 28105

(704) 463-8180

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